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Oh! An expression of emotion. As an expression, Oh! is far more about EQ than IQ because it's EQ that creates brand resonance with your consumers. And that’s why we exist. To incite resonant emotional connections between your brand and your consumer that inspires and influences them

to fall in love with your brand.


Incite! Inspire! Influence!    Oh! Strategic Branding.

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As they say, a picture is worth a thousands words. In this case, it should be obvious my son, Christian, is a Chef! An amazing one in fact. He has a gift for taking recipes that have typically been considered not so good for you, and making them not only taste better, but healthier too! If you're hungry, just curious, or love to cook, please visit him at:


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As long as I am bragging about other Ostbos, I'll introduce you to my wife's vlog. If you love to read, then let Ellen recommend a very good read to you! She selects brilliant books of different genres and explains what sets them apart and makes them so memorable and enjoyable. She provides insight that makes a great book even better. Her viewers have commented that they not only wanted to read a book she's reviewed, but to reread it if they already had. Please visit her at:


The Photos: I took these photos in Norway, my family's country of origin. At the top of this website is a photo of a fjord not far from the Ostbo Valley located in the region of Surnadal, some 200 miles NW of Oslo. The white steeple locates a cemetery where many Ostbo's have been laid to rest over the past 400+ years that the Ostbo's have lived in the Ostbo Valley. The next photo depicts the entrance to the Ostbo Valley. The sign in the middle of the wildflowers says, "Ostbo Valley Way." I took the next picture standing at the entrance to the Ostbo Valley looking back towards the fjord. And then there's the road sign on the main highway pointing the way to the Ostbo Valley. It's also pointing towards an "Ostbo," an Ostbo that is forever grateful to the family that in the early 1900's left one of the most beautiful valley's on earth to seek a different life for generations of Ostbo's to come. They left so much behind in search of a promise, a freedom, and an opportunity that only a far away country called Amerika could possibly offer. I am humbled by their courage and even more humbled by the "promise" they discovered.

speaking of Ostbo's

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